M.V. Lady Rose

Once known as "Lady Sylvia", the M.V. Lady Rose was designed by W.D. McLaren of Vancouver and built in Scotland. Our Lady Rose was the first diesel powered vessel to cross the Atlantic driven by a single propeller and to this day can still carry 100 passengers and 25 tons of cargo! She now rests in retirement alongside the M.V. Frances Barkley which has now taken up the Port Alberni to Ucluelet/Broken Group Islands run.

Breakfast at The Hummingbird starts at 7 am for those who are sailing on the Frances Barkley. It's only a 5 minute drive to the Harbour Quay where you'll board the working cargo/passenger ship on your way down the Alberni inlet.  It's a great way to see the sights along the inlet. The vessel runs a daily schedule to remote West Coast communities, carrying supplies, groceries, mail and passengers. Kayakers and canoeists also use this service to access the Broken Group Islands. It is a relaxed way to spend the day and you never know what might cross your path along the way. Watch for eagles, cormorants, sealions and seals. You may be lucky enough to see black bears or whales along the way.

Whatever type of excursion you decide on make sure you bring a camera, this is one boat ride you will want to take pictures of - words won't do the landscape justice!




Guest Reviews

Superb time at the Hummingbird

The little girls thought all the "Dora" stuff was awesome. Thanks for making their holiday so memorable. Thanks also for arranging such a terrific sitter. Katie was great! We were at ease on the water knowing our girls were in good hands. The accommodations were excellent! Our family was able to stay together and we all had our own little space away from each other. The fishing was great. Jody will be bragging about the 48 lb halibut for a long time. Grandma & Grandpa love it...and us kids were thrilled with the comforts of the Hummingbird. Thanks for going the extra mile to make our annual fishing trip such a success.

McEwen family
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Hummingbird GuestHouse
5769 River Road
Port Alberni, Vancouver Island
British Columbia, Canada

Reserve a little piece of paradise
at Hummingbird GuestHouse

5769 River Road. Port Alberni, BC, Canada
Toll Free 1-888-720-2114